Birthing a Better Future Art & Science Exhibition
by Zero2 Expo
Welcome to Zero2 Expo, where we’re trailblazing the Birthing a Better Future Art and Science Exhibition— a transformative showcase merging art and science to illuminate the pivotal role of the first 1001 days in shaping a brighter tomorrow for all.
Led by Alex, our visionary force, the exhibition emerged from the heart of the UK’s 1001 Critical Days initiative, igniting conversations that transcend boundaries. From Parliament to local communities, our exhibitions have sparked dynamic dialogues among politicians, parents-to-be, healthcare providers, and policymakers, catalysing a movement towards comprehensive support for early childhood development.
Our exhibition unveils the profound impact of investing in the well-being of children from conception to age two. Our mission is clear: to elevate public consciousness, empower parents, and inspire systemic change. By championing these critical days, we aim to sculpt a future where every child thrives and families are fortified with unwavering support.
Beyond awareness, our vision extends to tangible outcomes—a future where mental and physical health flourish, and societal costs diminish. Join us as we birth a better future, one pivotal moment at a time.
*Birthing a Better Future Art & Science Exhibition by Zero2 Expo is a portable touring art & Science exhibition and is available for hire.
For more information or to collaborate, please Email Us
For the Full Story…
Visit my Artist page to delve deeper into our journey.
This exhibition aims to raise awareness only. Should you find any material upsetting, need more information or support, please seek advice from your GP, a therapist, or other professional, or get in touch for more information.
Our Project Document