Hi – I’m Alex and I’m the driving force behind Zero2 Expo’s Birthing a Better Future Art and Science Exhibition which is helping politicians, local authorities and the general public to understand how greater investment of finances, time and love in a child’s wellbeing from the point of conception to age two can really birth a better future for all. 


Inspired by the 1001 Critical Days (the UK’s first cross party Children’s Manifesto and ACE’s), our first exhibition was in Parliament and we’ve recently also staged an exhibition at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. The aim is to raise awareness about this importance of the time in the life of every human being. 


This long term project aims to inspire sustainable improvements in the mental and physical health of future generations. Our hope is that it will contribute indirectly to a reduction in public sector spending at other stages of life, as well as improving mental and physical health and reducing behavioural and emotional disorders throughout life.


Alex is a professional artist and Art Psychotherapist who has exhibited extensively in the UK and abroad, curating many personal and community exhibitions. She is renowned for her beautiful evocative paintings, her use of tactile media, film, photography, her infamous Pink Tent Installation and is a published author. Alex’s life and work explores the meaning of the Feminine and aims to challenge and create a new dialogue in this area. In 2016 Alex co-curated and participated in an art and science exhibition in Parliament responding to the 1001 Critical Days Cross Party Manifesto and is now continuing this work under the new name Zero2 Expo.


My glass sculpture, ‘Life Before Birth’ reminds us that there is a Human Being developing, taking shape, creating its identity and uniqueness, behind the belly of a pregnant woman. The heart starts to beat in the first few weeks after conception, the brain is building its neuropathways and the cellular memory is storing data while the silent, invisible story forms within us. Creating a harmonious ‘womb environment’ in pregnancy is desirable to enable the best outcome for the infant. Preparing for the Birth, the transition from womb to world, which is a defining right of passage, not only for the mother but it is the infants first experience of life. Therefore, I think pregnancy and birth need be treated with the sanctity it deserves.


Pregnancy and birth is a deeply instinctual experience and part of nature spanning millions of years, an art with which we are rapidly losing touch. How do we reconnect back to the ancient natural life cycles of the human being and translate them, in a positive way, to our time? There needs to be adequate support for women to get back in touch with our intuitive side, which can be achieved by exploring our non verbal and unconscious psyche. There are many different perspectives to each woman’s life, our circumstances and our past, so one can never generalise or portray a ‘one glove fits all’ picture. However, if we re-establish a relationship with our deeper selves, with nature, the spiritual or mystical and not just the physical and medical side of pregnancy and birth, then the journey to motherhood might be less stressful for both mother and baby. We can begin to heal the current paradigm if we integrate science/technology AND the holistic mind, body, spiritual approach to bring about much needed balance.


T: 07787 122157
E: alex@florschutz.com
W: www.florschutz.com