Professor Lakhanpaul graduated from Medicine in 1992. She trained in paediatrics, gained her doctorate in Paediatrics and Child Health in 2003, and proceeded to Senior Lecturer and Consultant Paediatrician at the University of Leicester and University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust. In 2012 Professor Lakhanpaul joined the UCL GOS Institute of Child Heath as Professor of Integrated Community Child Health. In 2016 she was appointed Head of Population, Policy and Practice.

Professor Lakhanpaul now leads a multi-disciplinary translational research group that focuses on Health Services Research, which has direct impact on health policy and clinical practice. Her research program aims to take a multi-disciplinary, structured and collaborative approach to improving outcomes for children and transform services for patients. Her research particularly focuses on the translation of evidence into clinical practice and health policy, drawing together primary, community and hospital care, social care, education and primary and secondary research to improve health outcomes for children. Professor Lakhanpaul also holds posts as Deputy Theme Lead for Collaborations in Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care – North Thames (CLAHRC; 2013-present) and Program Director for Children and Young People, UCL Partners Academic Health Sciences Network (AHSN; 2014-present). 

Professor Lakhanpaul’s research falls under four main themes; Applied Translation of Evidence In to Policy and Practice (through systematic review, guideline development, decision and prediction rule development), Improvement Science (with a particular focus on partnership production with parents, patients and health professionals; co-production with communities to develop tailored health interventions), Conditions (with a specific interest in asthma, the acutely sick child, nutrition and disability) and Inequalities in Health (tailoring interventions for hard to reach groups, health tourism and the use of translators and interpreters to reduce inequalities).